A NEW Brazilian café has launched in Bournemouth town centre, serving traditional snacks and coffee and showcasing stunning art.

Brazilian Snacks Art and Café originally launched in London by two sisters, Easmin Yehia and Iohanna Yehia.

Following their success on Cable Street and Greenwich Market in the capital, Easmin and Iohanna partnered with Fernanda Baumel Meus to launch their first café in Bournemouth.

Bournemouth Echo:

During their launch on Saturday, November 4, Easmin said Bournemouth’s seaside attracted the business after her and her sister grew up on the Brazilian coast.

Easmin found the location of the café, on Hinton Road, after browsing for flats to live in the area.

“There is a large Brazilian community in Bournemouth that we wanted to support.

“We have really loyal customers in London who keep coming back but those locations are more like kiosks where people take their food and go.”

She added: “We want to have a space that people can feel like home.

“Where they can sit down and read a good book, drink good coffee and have good food.”

Bournemouth Echo:

Iohanna, who is also a dental nurse by trade, said that the Bournemouth location is their first-time serving coffee, which can also be bought to make at home by customers.

READ MORE: New Brazilian café to open in Bournemouth Town Centre

She also works mostly in the kitchen, focusing on cultural food that was inspired by her father who owned his own restaurant in Brazil.

Bournemouth Echo:

“We do not like to cook on a massive scale, we cook it all fresh.”

Although they currently serve smaller dishes and desserts such as cheese bread, traditional Coxinha and acai bowls, Iohanna hopes to introduce main dishes in the future.

READ MORE: New cafe serving bubble tea and milkshakes opens its doors

Fernanda described the launch day’s success as a dream that is ‘all yours and has come true'.

Bournemouth Echo:

A crowd of people turned out for the day, where tasters of the menu were handed out along side fresh orange juices and mimosas.

The café will also highlight art, photography, and plants, showcased in an ‘in-house exhibition’.

Art is planned to be switched up each month to display unique pieces to customers.