AN ALLEGED rape victim was seen sobbing by a Bournemouth memorial after an alleged rape by the clifftop, a court heard.

The woman said she tried to climb over a clifftop fence, by East Cliff in Bournemouth, to escape her attacker after he targeted her in a nightclub.

Ahmed Almryam, 31, was arrested on suspicion of rape in relation to the incident and now faces trial at Bournemouth Crown Court.

A woman on holiday with her children told the court that the female seemed ‘all over the place’ while the male appeared annoyed and aggressive.

Giving evidence, Cheryl Palmer said she was staying at the Bournemouth Carlton Hotel with her two children on July 7, when she saw the pair by the East Cliff zig zag.

The family were rushing from the beach back to their hotel for a breakfast booking at 7.30am when they saw the woman and Almryam arguing.

Ms Palmer said she saw the defendant speaking to the woman, but she only cried in response and had mascara smeared on her face.

She said the alleged victim was sitting on the base of the Jon Egging memorial and when the family walked past, she said ‘hello’ to Ms Palmer’s daughter.

READ MORE: Man 'bit woman on lips and face' during alleged Bournemouth clifftop rape

The witness told the court that she was rushing to get the children away as they were staring at the distressed female and the male appeared angry ‘so she wanted to get her children away’.

The woman returned later in the morning to find multiple ambulances, police cars and a cordon taping off the area.

Prosecuting, Rob Welling, showed the court CCTV footage of the alleged victim rejecting advances from the defendant in Camel Bar the evening before.

Mr Welling showed clips of Almyram appearing in the same shots as the woman as she moved throughout the club, including putting his arm around her as they walked out of frame.

He was later seen to ‘pinch the woman’s bottom’ and she responded by ‘pushing’ him away.

The court previously heard that the woman ran off in the direction of East Cliff after rejecting the defendant’s advances.

Later in the evening, a passerby saw the pair beyond the fence at the top of the 100ft cliff.

Shortly afterwards Almryam is alleged to have raped the woman close to the Red Arrows memorial on the clifftop.

Almryam denies one charge of rape.

The trial continues.