CHILDREN have been left disappointed after being told they can't take part in their school nativity play.

The festive performance at Hayeswood First School has been scaled back due to new fire regulations affecting the school hall.

It means that only pupils from Reception and Year 1 are able to take part.

Parents have now criticised the decision which was announced in a letter from the headteacher, Mrs Sharon Staddon.

Becs Loxley and Kelly Millane are both on the parent-teacher association.

Becs, who has children in Reception and Year 2, said she went to the school as a child and that there has always been a nativity play involving the whole school.

“You expected it, you come round to November time, and you start talking about the nativity and costumes,” she said.

“I asked my daughter, have you heard anything about the nativity and she said no, it seemed a bit strange that nothing had been brought up.

“Then I found out that Reception and Year 1 are allowed to do a very small, diluted version of the nativity, but in Year 2, 3 and 4, it was no, we’re not having anything.

“It’s incredibly important. It’s morale boosting, they all come together as a team, effectively, that’s how I’ve always viewed it.”

Becs said the PTA had offered to fund alternative venues, but these have ‘fallen on deaf ears’.

She now hopes the school will change its decision.

“[The children] love getting dressed up, they enjoy taking part, especially Year 4, finally get to have the leading roles, Mary and Joseph, that’s kind of your pinnacle point in primary school as far as I’m concerned when you get to have these big roles,” she said.

“Now it’s not an option for them, it’s just been taken away from them, it just seems really sad.”

Kelly said the decision was ‘just disappointing’.

“It’s been there 50 years and they’ve always done a full school nativity and then this year they’ve decided that only the younger children are going to do it,” she said.

“It’s not fair that the children should miss out.

“I said to my daughter yesterday, did you like doing your school nativity last year, and her face lit up.

“They love it, they love all the singing, they work well as a class, it gives them something to look forward to.”

She said the Year 4 pupils had written a letter to the head about the decision, and that the governors and the local vicar were becoming involved in finding a solution.

Kelly, whose daughter is in Year 2, added that Mrs Staddon is also co-head of Colehill First School, and she said parents understand that a nativity for the entire school will be happening there.

She added: “There are options, but she obviously doesn’t want to explore them.”

Mrs Staddon said: “We are all very much looking forward to celebrating Christmas, but following a recent fire inspection we are unable to hold a whole-school nativity play in the hall.

“Reception and Year 1 will perform a nativity play and all other year groups will perform in a production by the end of the school year.

“As well as the nativity play and carol singing we are having a Christmas fayre and a Christmas jumper day.

“We are exploring solutions to address this issue.”