SENIOR figures from across Bournemouth will come together today to discuss how to improve the town centre. 

BCP Council’s town centre summit will be held this morning on Monday, November 20 at the Echo Building on Richmond Hill. 

Key players will discuss how to bring people and businesses back to the area. 

Bournemouth West MP Sir Conor Burns, property developers, landlords, retailers, businesses, language schools and the police have all been invited. 

It comes following an extensive public consultation where more than 2,500 residents filled in a survey. 

Council leader Vikki Slade previously told residents to put forward any ideas they wanted to see - "no matter how crazy the idea is". 

During the summer, the Bournemouth Echo ran a series of articles which saw businesses, leaders, residents and visitors have their say on what they thought of the town centre.  

Many said they wanted to see change and collectively they agreed that more must be done to improve the area. 

People put forward a variety of ideas, including regeneration, imagination, free parking and even forcing landlords to fill their empty units. 

Once the town centre summit is over, the council has said it will release further details about what was discussed and decided going forward.