A CAR dealership’s plans to install solar panels have been refused after Bournemouth Airport objected to the proposals.

Mercedes of Poole submitted a prior approval application to install 242 panels at its site.

However, Bournemouth Airport objected to the proposals for the site in Holes Bay Road  ‘on the grounds of aviation safety’.

The airport said the plans ‘appear to conflict with safeguarding criteria’ due to the potential for the panels to produce glint and glare.

The plans would have seen the panels placed on the flat, elevated roof of part of the dealership.

The BCP Council case officer’s report on the application said the scheme had been refused due to ‘insufficient information’ regarding the glare.

The local authority said the scheme would have a ‘very limited’ impact on the character and appearance of the area, but it was ‘not possible’ to assess its impact on the amenity of the area.

This was in particular reference to the lack of information provided on the impact of the glare from the panels.

It said that due to this, the council could not confirm if the plans conform to the relevant planning laws.

It said: “Insufficient information has been provided regarding antiglare covering to measure the potential of glare and/or flash blindness on neighbouring land (Bournemouth Airport).

“Therefore, the planning authority is unable to establish the impact of the development on the amenity of neighbouring land.”

The scheme did not have any objections from Natural England, and the Society for Poole supported it.

However, the society said in its response: “No doubt, since the flight paths associated with the local airport are extensive, the applicant will ensure relevant ‘glint and glare’ risks will not form part of any actual installation.”

The officer’s report concluded: “The developer has provided insufficient information to enable the authority to establish whether the proposed development complies with any conditions, limitations or restrictions specified in Class J that are applicable to the development in question.

“As such, it is not possible to determine whether prior approval is required or not.

“The prior approval is required, and due to the insufficient information provided, it should be refused.”