A YOUTH action project that supports young disabled people has been given a new PA system thanks to funding from Morebus. 

The Chatterboxes, based at The Townsend Youth Partnership on the Townsend estate in Bournemouth, works with young people aged 11 to 25 from across Dorset.  

It aims to give those who are disabled the opportunity to fulfil their potential, whilst improving their well-being, self-esteem and independence.  

Poppy Sargeaunt, of the Chatterboxes, said: “The Chatterboxes raise awareness of disabilities and create a community which is equal for all, whilst being surrounded by friendship and laughter. 

“Our activities include peer-to-peer support, filmmaking, magazine design, cookery, arts and crafts and much more.  

“We’ve been wanting to buy a new PA system, which will help our young people to express themselves through music and help with their confidence. So, we turned to Morebus’ community fund for support.  

“We were delighted to receive money to put towards this project, which will be a significant help when we put on our annual fundraiser - where The Chatterboxes sing, dance and perform for supporters. I’d like to thank Morebus for its generous support.” 

Richard Wade, Morebus general manager, added: “This is precisely the sort of initiative our community fund was set up to support. 

“The charity provides vital help for young people living within areas where we operate our bus services, and we are pleased to have been able to help."