RESIDENTS in Dorset are being asked if they would pay more towards policing.

Dorset's Police and Crime Commissioner David Sidwick is asking residents if they would pay an extra £1.08 per month. 

If approved, the figure would see those living in a Band D property paying an extra £13 a year for policing the county.

Each police force is funded through a combination of funding from precept and a government grant.

Police and Crime Commissioner David Sidwick said: “This year, the government have set the limit under what was expected.

"With inflation being high, that £13 is equivalent to an increase of 4.6 per cent below inflation and will not enable the level of service improvement that the public, the Chief Constable, and I want to see, but I will keep fighting to get a better, fairer deal for Dorset when it comes to funding.

"Last year the additional revenue allowed Dorset Police to continue with initiatives such as Operation Scorpion and Viper, introducing Community Contact Points and re-opening 3 police station front-desks across the county as well as tackling crime and ASB via various police operations including Op. Relentless, Op. Nightjar and Op. Fireglow as well as range of rural crime initiatives and operations."

Mr Sidwick said he would "rather not" have to ask for funding from residents and he will continue to lobby for more government funding and wants to keep delivering his Police and Crime Plan that contains the policing priorities of residents and communities.

He added: "I hope that the people of Dorset will look at all the work that’s been happening over the last year, read some of the newsletters on my website to find out more about what the Force and my office and commissioned partners are doing on your behalf and then take part in the survey and give me your thoughts and opinions – because together over the last year, we have made a difference and I want that to continue.”

To take part in the survey, visit