FLAMES were seen spewing out of a chimney at a house in Sandford on New Year's Day.

Firefighters used chimney equipment and a hose reel jet to extinguish the blaze.

Police and ambulance services were not called to attend the fire that happened at about 5pm.

Read more: Dorset fire service called to multiple incidents on Christmas Day

A spokesperson for Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Service said: “One crew from Wareham attended a chimney fire at a house in St Martin's Road, Sandford on January 1.

“A log burner was removed from the premises and the fire was tackled from above and below.

"Chimney fires usually start when heat from the fire below builds up and ignites residue and/or debris within the chimney itself.

"We wouldn't know the exact chain of events for any given fire.

"But we have safety advice on our website that we urge people to follow to reduce the risk of a chimney fire happening."