RESIDENTS are calling for a neglected swimming baths site in Bournemouth to be transformed after becoming an ‘absolute eyesore’ for locals.

Kinson Baths, on Kinson Road, was closed in 2010 after the ‘thriving’ site became ran down and was boarded up until a ‘green space’ project two years ago.

Tania Baker, 60, has lived in West Howe her entire life and learnt to swim at Kinson Baths, saying it was a ‘social space’ for children.

She said since the swimming baths closed the area has ‘no function’ as it is split with wild greenery and old tarmac from the previous car park.

Bournemouth Echo:

“It’s been sat here for years,” said Tania.

“West Howe is being left behind.”

Ward councillor for Kinson, Michelle Dower, said around £60,000 was spent by the council to transform the site for exercise and dog walking, but BCP Council have said the figure is not accurate. 

Trevor James, 82, used to live next door to the site and said it is an ‘eyesore’ for residents, with rubbish being left behind.

Bournemouth Echo:

“It’s disgraceful how they left it,” said Trevor.

“It looks like a tip, so it’s used like a tip.”

Mandy Clark, 44, said she practically lived at the swimming baths with her three sisters when growing up in Kinson.

“We didn't have much money, so when the advertiser was out with the free swim vouchers, we used to go door knocking.

“We could go every single day of the week, we spent nearly every day down there.”

She added that it was ‘sad seeing such a thriving place for young people’ turn into ‘a tip’. “They [young people] don’t really have anything here,” said Mandy.

She added: “You always seen them sat on top of the box by the Kinson Baths so they’re obviously lacking somewhere where they can meet.

“Everyone moans that they're on their electronics all the time and that they don't get out enough but what have they got out, what is there that they can get out for?”

Paul Williams, 54, is calling for a place for children to learn about the area and become interested in nature.

He said that the previous services for water and electric will still be on the site, ‘so all the expensive things are still there’.

Bournemouth Echo:

Cllr Vikki Slade, leader of BCP Council, confirmed that the former Kinson Baths has been allocated as a ‘site for potential development’ in the draft BCP Local Plan.

A recent cabinet meeting listed it could ‘alternatively provide recreational, education and community uses’.

“The sites offer potential for development that enhances the area’s character and local distinctiveness,” the plan read.

Cllr Slade added: "When the draft BCP Local Plan moves to public consultation early next year, we’ll want to hear further feedback from the local community about what kind of development would be supported on this site.”