SCORES of residents have hit out at a beachfront bar's plans to remain on site over noise pollution.

Vexed residents have objected to a recent planning application so that SOBO Beach can stay open until 2027.

They have described the noise as like living near a “fairground” which they say is causing a disturbance for Southbourne residents.

In documents lodged with BCP Council, locals have complained that SOBO Beach events are 'more Ibiza than the chilled vibes of Miami', which the restaurant aims to achieve. 

One resident said: "St Catherine’s Road has been affected by BOOM BOOM bass noise from SOBO Beach music events.

"On Christmas Eve, this was so strong that even indoors with windows closed, tv on, the thumping was going right through my body…for hours."

Another neighbour also complained of the noise on Christmas Eve and stated that they thought of booking a hotel. 

Other complaints mentioned noise pollution along with worries about the effects on biodiversity.

One complaint said: "[Hengistbury Head] houses the natterjack toad - one of the UK's most endangered species.

"Playing open air and live music in a venue next to such an important site seems bad judgment. There are places to hear music not far away in Bournemouth." 

Richard Slater, owner of SOBO Beach, off Southbourne Coast Road, accepts there has been some noise, however, he is upset that locals didn't approach him to find a solution.

He said: "I think it's unfair that those with complaints have gone straight to objecting and at no point come to us to have a discussion.

"I'm not saying we haven't created any noise issues and if these people are genuinely hearing us, then that's not what we're here for. I'd love to work with them to find a solution."

Richard said money has been invested in soundproofing to reduce noise and that he is meeting with sound engineers to try and reduce the bass. 

He also stated that events never pass 9.30pm due to their music licence. 

He said: "We're attracting a crowd that are looking for something to enjoy during more civilised hours. We're not a youth nightclub that attracts the trouble that goes along with it."

A decision is yet to be made on the application