BCP Council is under fire over "costly" plans to split the planning committee and introduce a  transportation advisory group.

The authority is set to divide Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole’s one planning committee into two. 

One would cover Poole and the west of Bournemouth, the other would be dedicated to the rest of the town and Christchurch

BCP Council has said the formation of the advisory group (TAG) would deliver greater public engagement around traffic regulation orders (TRO). 

In all, it would cost £41,300 to bring about the change. The estimated cost for splitting the planning committee is £25,200, according to BCP Council.

But questions have been raised whether splitting the committee would be worth it, including dividing Bournemouth in half.

Speaking at a full council meeting, Cllr Karen Rampton said: “I feel that this council is being bounced into a costly and unnecessary change financially, almost £100,000 plus SRAs (special responsibility allowance) and presumably an SRA for TAG as well.” 

Referencing the Nuffield Health hospital planning application for Talbot Heath, she added: “For an administration which has shamefully allowed a major application to be appealed on grounds of non-determination, presumably the workload is already very heavy.  

“So I would have got that in order before making such radical and expensive, costly mistaken change.” 

Cllr Joe Salmon added he believes it “solves a problem that does not exist” and that the council is “rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic”. 

He said: “If there is a need for separate areas to have a planning committee, why is it not three but only two?” 

Cllr Phil Broadhead, the opposition leader, added it is the "wrong solution to the wrong problem" and that it "seems like a bit of a mess".

Council leader Vikki Slade said all BCP Council planning applications should go to committee and be dealt with “transparently”.

She added: “We could see quite a dramatic increase in the number of applications that need to come to committee, for the purpose of being transparent.” 

On splitting it into three towns, Cllr Slade said: "It would be virtually impossible for the councillors of Christchurch to have independence.

"There are only 10 councillors in Christchurch and you need at least seven for committee, so it would be impractical. While I understand the dividing of Bournemouth, we are all one place now: BCP."

Cllr Marion Le Poidevin, current chair of the planning committee, said: “I’ve been on the planning committee from the start and, now that I am chairing it, I very much welcome dividing it.” 

Committee member Cllr Gillian Martin added: “My reason for supporting this is the workload. It would benefit the public.  

“It starts at 10am and sometimes ends at 3pm. Some members of the public wait until 1pm to have their say.” 

Councillors voted in favour of the split, however, it is unknown when the change will happen.