A BEACH car park is one step closer to being sold off despite residents saying it is needed during the summer months. 

Residents fear that should the sale of the south section of Beach Road car park in Canford Cliffs, Poole, go ahead it would lead to more illegal parking. 

The site, currently closed, has been earmarked to be sold for almost a decade however no formal arrangement has yet happened. 

BCP Council leader Vikki Slade told a cabinet meeting last week the authority must now “get on with it” - but residents are not so keen. 

Bournemouth Echo: Beach Road car park in PooleBeach Road car park in Poole (Image: Daily Echo)

Vicky Moss of Branksome Park and Canford Cliffs Residents’ Association has pleaded for the council to retain the car park for public use. 

She said “no more developments are needed in this area”, adding: “Since the arrival of Rockwater at Branksome Beach, there has been an influx of visitors and the car parking is frequently inadequate.  

“I see cars regularly turning away because Beach Road car park is shut. This is currently losing the council revenue."

John Sprackling, another association member, added drivers park on residential roads leading to “local opposition” which is “unlikely to change”. 

Ward councillor May Haines said: “Many residents living in the area have expressed the frustration of inconsiderate parking on busy days. 

“The loss of this car park is perceived as adding or making this problem even worse.” 

Bournemouth Echo: The south section is closedThe south section is closed (Image: Daily Echo)

She added Rockwater has “seen an increase in demand for car parking for their customers” and that visitor numbers to the beach have increased post-Covid. 

A report says the car park has around 316 spaces, however, many are not compliant with parking standards.

Others cannot be used due to landslips, tree encroachment and surface breakage.

Council leader Vikki Slade said: “The paper demonstrates that in high season and lower season that this car park is not well used. 

“FuturePlaces looked at this to assess the way forward with it and we have made the decision previously to crack on and sell this for housing.” 

Bournemouth Echo: The site has had issues in the past with travellersThe site has had issues in the past with travellers (Image: Daily Echo)

She added: “It does suffer from unauthorised encampments and that’s mainly because it is very overgrown.  

“Most of the car parking is not well laid out, there are tree roots in the ground and it’s not a pleasant place to park. 

“Certainly, the higher end being proposed to sell you have to climb quite a steep hill back from the beach with your buckets and spade but the lower part being retained is accessed on a more level basis.” 

Cllr Mike Cox, portfolio holder for finance, said: “We need that money [from the sale] to help with our transformation.” 

A final decision will be made at a full council meeting in February.