KINGS Park Nursery was running at a loss of £225,000 before a shock closure, BCP Council has said. 

The local authority announced “out of the blue” that it will shut the much-loved Bournemouth plant nursery in the spring in its 100th year.

Deputy council leader Millie Earl said it was to save £85,000 in the 2024/25 financial year and that it needed to be done to fill a £50m gap. 

Following backlash from furious residents and opposition councillors, BCP Council has said it is exploring community use for the site off Central Drive.

Cllr Earl said that despite listening to the fury following the sudden announcement, the council must “prioritise the services that support” vulnerable people. 

Bournemouth Echo: Cllr Millie EarlCllr Millie Earl (Image: BCP Council)

She said the plant nursery has been running at a “significant loss” and it “isn’t sustainable” given the financial pressures the authority is under. 

She said in a statement: “Last year, the cost of operating the nursery was £527,574 and the income that the nursery generated was £302,158, this meant that the council taxpayers from our three towns subsidised the nursery by £225,416.  

“By taking the decision to end the commercial side of the nursery now, we can reduce this year's loss from increasing to that level. 

“I’d like to reassure the local community that the site is protected. It can’t be sold or developed for housing, and any future use must comply with the 1985 Bournemouth Borough Council Act which safeguards Kings Park. 

“We have retained £10,000 from the budget saving to allow us to effectively explore future community uses for this site. I’m pleased to say interested parties and charities are already getting in touch with us. I’m heartened and encouraged by this and the team are already exploring these opportunities. 

“We’re committed to enabling and supporting organisations to do things differently, so the community of Kings Park can sustainably and responsibly benefit from something new at this site. 

“Finally, and very importantly, I want to recognise and thank the dedicated staff and wonderful volunteers who have worked so hard over the years at Kings Park Nursery.  

“The public’s response to this closure is a testament and true reflection of the excellent customer service, advice and hard work they’ve provided over a number of years.”