A BUSINESSWOMAN and podcast host has been named among the UK’s most impressive female entrepreneurs.

Erin Thomas Wong, from Bournemouth, was included on the Small Business Britain f:Entrepreneur #IAlso100 list.

The list includes female founders from AI companies to female-run tradeswoman platforms, particularly showcasing those who lead businesses alongside other responsibilities, such as volunteering.

Erin was highlighted for being an award-winning mentor and community leader, ‘creating nurturing spaces online and offline where female solopreneurs thrive’.

She also hosts The Life-Friendly Business Podcast, which aims to show the reality of running a business around family life.

Erin said: “I’m over the moon to be recognized in this impressive list of female founders. The #IAlso campaign is absolutely aligned with my values in helping women to define their own measures of success and to build a thriving business without sacrificing time with their family or their wellbeing."

Michelle Ovens CBE, founder of Small Business Britain said: "Congratulations to Erin, The Life-Friendly Business Mentor and each of the phenomenal women featured in this year’s #IAlso100.

“It is so important that we call out the incredible contribution of women running businesses across the UK. As well as growing economic prosperity across the UK, they are also having a tremendous, wider positive impact on local communities too. Despite all of the challenges of recent times, it is fantastic to see female entrepreneurship continuing to grow and flourish in the UK, and we must do all we can to encourage and build this further.”

The f:Entrepreneur campaign was launched in 2017, aiming to raise greater awareness of the impact of female business owners, providing inspiration and role models for the wider business community.

Erin worked in TV production until 2008, when she left to have a better work/life balance after the birth of her son.

She has built five businesses helping thousands of female entrepreneurs to run and grow their businesses.

In 2021, Erin was a finalist for community leader and female led community at the national Digital Women Awards.

She will host her annual Momentum Day event in Bournemouth on February 29 at The Marsham Court Hotel, which aims to help women build and scale life-friendly businesses.