PLANS for an 'oppressive' 122-bedroom care home have been refused.

Developers wanted to tear down Eagles Mount Care Home in Poole and replace it with a ‘contemporary’ new building with ‘distinctive bronze effect overhangs’.

However, BCP Council refused the plans saying the new seven-storey building, on the corner of Birds Hill Road and Longfleet Road, would be an ‘unneighbourly form of development’.

Officers also said the new building would ‘sit uncomfortably’ in the area, ‘failing to respect’ the pattern of development and the nearby conservation area and Grade II listed St Marys Church.

Bournemouth Echo: CGI of the proposed care home in Bird's Hill Road.

The scheme would also ‘represent overdevelopment’ due to its height, size, bulk and massing, meaning it will ‘appear overly prominent’ and ‘dominant’ on the street.

The refusal notice said: “The proposal by virtue of its layout and siting, height and scale; bulk and massing, including that of the roof would create an oppressive form of development to properties to the south.

“The actual and perceived level of overlooking of 23 Birds Hill Road and its neighbours from the additional height and tiered balconies is likely to result in an oppressive form of development.”

Officers also said the plans had failed to supply required information on drainage, and that it would not meet the transport policy in the Poole Local Plan.

Bournemouth Echo: Eagles Mount, one of LuxuryCare's five homes

Sixteen neighbours objected to the scheme.

They cited the size and design of the building, with one calling it a ‘glass spaceship’ and another saying it would be an ‘unsightly monstrosity’.

Others criticised the demolition of a ‘perfectly good building’ while concerns were raised over issues with overlooking neighbouring properties.

The current home was built in the early 1990s, and the applicant, Luxury Care Birds Hill, had plans to expand the home by two storeys approved in December 2022.

The applicant said that these plans were a ‘valid fall-back position’.

It is unknown if the care home will reapply with amended proposals or will continue with the previously granted plans.