A VIBRANT boutique shop selling ethically sourced crystals and sustainable clothing is Daily Echo’s Trader of the Week.

Victoria Martin, a jewellery maker with over 30 years of experience in designing and intuitive making, owns ‘Such a Beautiful Day’, two colourful stores in Moordown and Westbourne.

Victoria, 52 lives with her husband Darren Martin, and two sons who all help run the family business.

The boutique also offers holistic treatments, meditation, acupuncture, mindfulness, and reiki, to name a few.

Bournemouth Echo:

Speaking on the inspiration behind the store, Victoria said: “The thought behind 'Such a Beautiful Day' is, even if you don't come in, you walk past and you see that it says such a beautiful day, and you think, yes, isn't it a beautiful day?

“But if you do come through the door, then you'll be blown away, hopefully, by all these beautiful magical delights we can offer.

“The whole idea is to uplift and inspire, whether that's through crystals, colour, through the clothes you wear or the jewellery you're wearing.”

“When deciding on the location for her store in the arcade, Victoria added: “We were coming through Westbourne, which was really buzzing, and we saw the shop was available, and before we knew it, it was ours.”

Bournemouth Echo:

The Westbourne store opened in August last year.

Victoria added: “We've had a lot of really good success rates with the things that we've been doing, and I obviously believe in it, and it's improved my life.

“And all the things that we sell are all things that we've tried and tested that we love.

“My jewellery is made to uplift you, to give you a sense of empowerment to help you stand in your truth.

“I’ve worked with colours and crystals within my jewellery, and I used to do a lot of shows.

Bournemouth Echo:

“I'd have a few crystals around, and people always wanted to buy them, so I thought, well, let's join the two together and the business just grew.

“Sometimes in life, you've got to follow the magic.”

'Such a Beautiful Day' can be found in Westbourne Arcade.