A PARLIAMENTARY candidate has launched a survey to help save a day centre for people with dementia.

Labour candidate for Bournemouth East, Tom Hayes, said the Moordown Plus centre plays a ‘crucial role’ in the community.

Alongside a carer, Debbie Davies, Mr Hayes has launched the survey for carers and people concerned by the possible closure to share their views to be presented to BCP Council.

The council previously announced a consultation on plans to move day centre provision to more community-based services, closing building-based services in the process.

Debbie said: “The centre helps to relieve isolation as carers wouldn’t otherwise have enough time to socialise. If transportation is needed in the future, to get to a different place, at least an hour could be taken away from the day, which is usually action packed.

“With this service not being provided properly it may mean the clients will end up being referred to in a home as carers may not cope and or there may be a decline in the dementia sufferer as they have not enough stimuli in their life.”

Tom Hayes said: “We all know the council has inherited a terrible financial mess.

“Along with carers, we’re arguing that this closure would lead to huge costs—financially and emotionally for local people.

“With the council yet to make a decision, we’re calling on it to save Moordown Plus.

“I’ve seen first-hand, from visiting the centre and talking with carers, that Moordown Plus plays a critical role in our community.

“There’s an incredible team with the time to care and a purpose-built community space, all there to support people with dementia and carers who need some downtime to look after themselves too.”

The campaign is also supported by shadow minister Stephen Kinnock MP, whose mother recently died after an Alzheimer’s diagnosis.