A SEA dip to celebrate International Women’s Day is set to be held for the second year.

The dip, organised by the McCarthy Stone Foundation, will take place on March 6 to raise money to help grassroots charities and community groups helping older people.

Donations will also be used to fund the foundation’s new Welcome Wednesday coffee mornings in Canford Heath, Boscombe and Winton.

These help to connect older people in the BCP community.

All McCarthy Stone employees, homeowners, friends and partners are invited to join in and support the sea dippers on the day.

The event in 2023 was a success, with more than 50 sea dippers and supporters raising thousands of pounds for the charity.

The event will be held 200m from east of Bournemouth Pier and will begin at 12.30pm.

The foundation will provide hot drinks and cakes and is asking for a donation on the day or in advance via JustGiving.

Every penny raised is matched by McCarthy Stone and will provide grants for grassroots charities supporting older people and the new coffee mornings.

To donate to the cause, search for The McCarthy Stone Foundation on JustGiving.

To date, £1,390 has been raised.