A DORSET-based B2B manufacturing and technology specialist has forged a new partnership with one of the world’s leading sales training companies.

Intergage Marketing Engineers (IME) in Wimborne has teamed up with Sandler.

They are working together to help clients ‘win better business’ – aiming to boost turnover, profits and return on investment.

Intergage business development and partnerships director Paul Moss said: “B2B sales and marketing teams need to prepare their executives to have high-value conversations with prospects.”

He added: “When these teams work together, they can synchronise their efforts and present consistent messages to customers. They can leverage each other's strengths to develop meaningful, personalised relationships that drive sales.”

Sandler managing director Roger Williams said: “Sandler’s approach to selling aligns perfectly with Intergage’s marketing mindset. One of Sandler’s classic selling rules holds that, ‘Everyone likes to buy, but nobody likes to be sold to.’”

Platinum HubSpot Solutions Partner Intergage Marketing Engineers helps companies to grow through better inbound marketing.

Its work enables firms to “align their sales and marketing, to sell smarter and to boost their return on investment”.

Sandler is the leading global sales professional development and performance improvement organisation.

It is responsible for ‘empowering more than 50,000 sales professionals and leaders each year to master the craft of selling’ in more than 230 locations in 30 countries.

Intergage empowers businesses to “be the only option in mind when your prospects decide to buy.”

Together, Intergage and Sandler will deliver an events and enablement programme.

Intergage, which is a group comprising four companies, assists medium/small businesses in Science, Technology, Engineering and Manufacturing (STEM).

IME is a HubSpot-accredited Platinum Partner, helping companies to drive growth and sales through inbound marketing.

Intergage and Sandler joined forces after Intergage experienced the Sandler Selling System first hand.

Intergage business development manager Nicky Bedwell has been receiving training from Sandler’s Roger Williams since June 2023.

Nicky said: “I’ve found the insights invaluable, both for my personal sales approach and also for helping to improve our company-wide sales processes here at Intergage.”