RESIDENTS have been left furious after their streets were covered in double yellow lines with "no warning". 

Residents of Canford Paddock, Bear Cross, say they were given no notice that the modifications would be made.

On both sides of the street, residents have complained it has stopped friends and families from visiting with nowhere left to park. 

Daphne Pareathamby, a resident on Beaumaris Road, said: "We wouldn't have bought the property if we knew these were going to be put down. There was never a problem with people parking up on the road and people did sometimes have visitors but it never got in the way. 

"I came home from work and before I pulled up I saw the double yellow lines on both sides of the road. We didn't know anything."

Daphne and her husband first moved into the property in October 2022. After living a harmonious life in the property, Daphne worries that the recent move will reduce the value of her house. 

With work first beginning on February 27 on her road, it has since spread across the entire estate. 

She said: "Each house has two car spaces but if its a three bedroom house and you three people with three cars, where's the other third person meant to park their car?

"If you wanted to sell the house, if people knew that you got the double yellow lines out there, I would say that would put people off."

Since the yellow lines were put on the road, Daphne has seen fines handed out to cars parked on the road.

Daphne also has expressed concerns about a recent industrial park development which has begun work right next door to the estate. 

A spokesperson for Barratt David Wilson Homes Southampton division said: "Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council’s Highways department advertised the yellow lines on the development as part of a Traffic Regulation Order and a public consultation took place in June 2023.

"These yellow lines are necessary to facilitate bin collections due to the road layout.”

A spokesperson for BCP Council said: “Traffic Regulations Orders (TROs) for the double yellow lines on the new Canford Paddock estate were legally advertised through onsite notices, press notices and on the BCP website.  This was in accordance with the original planning conditions recommendation for the housing development.”

“Following the consultation, the TROs were approved by Cabinet on 13 December 2024.”