NO arrests have been made two months after a man was stabbed at a curry house in Bournemouth

Police say they are continuing to investigate an incident at Westbourne Tandoori Indian restaurant in Seamoor Road on December 30. 

The victim, in his 30s, was rushed to hospital with injuries that were not believed to be life-threatening or life-changing.  

A spokeswoman for Dorset Police said: “Our investigation remains ongoing and there is no further update at this time.” 

A large emergency service response was called to the scene and two police cordons were placed outside the restaurant and behind it in Robert Louis Stevenson Avenue.  

One witness said he was sitting inside Camden bar when around nine police cars arrived.  

A shop owner a few doors down from the scene said there was "nothing out of the ordinary" until lots of police and ambulances showed up.  

A worker at the nearby Bennetts Family Bakers shop said: “I heard sirens, and then an ambulance came, and then it was just police car after police car turning up.  

“A few people said they saw a man getting taken out on a stretcher.”