AN EVENT has been launched to celebrate neurodiversity in Dorset.

Caroline Papp from Ashely Cross has set up the event to 'embrace and celebrate neurological differences' and support neurodivergent people looking for jobs.

Celebrating Neurodiversity will take place at Poole Lighthouse on March 19, between 7pm and 9pm.

It aims to inspire Dorset's neurodivergent community about their employability by highlighting their unique skills that will 'truly add value to any organisation.'

Caroline said: "Neurodiversity is a hot topic across the UK, but it seems like Dorset has missed the memo. With 1 in 7 people in the UK being neurodivergent, it's high time we brought the conversation home."

The event will host guest speakers and 'embrace and celebrate our neurological and natural differences, such as ADHD, autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia, and more.'

Caroline said: "This event isn't just about changing the narrative around neurodiversity; it's about empowering our community.

"It's about giving them the knowledge and confidence to navigate their professional journeys and advocate for their needs.

"If we can understand what support is available and how our needs can and should be accommodated, it would lead to a happier, more creative, and innovative workforce—and yes, Dorset really needs this."

The event is free and has been sponsored by Bristol-based company N-ATTC.