DORSET'S police and crime commissioner has said the loss of Halo nightclub won't risk safety in Bournemouth town centre.

It comes after the owner of Halo, Ty Temel, claimed the loss of the club in Exeter Road will 'increase danger in the town centre'.

Speaking to the Echo, Mr Temel said: "One of the things that gets massively overlooked with nightclubs is the layer of security they provide.

"If a town centre is thriving with lots of clubs, each club has a minimum requirement of door security personnel. 

"Now we're not there, what's the town centre going to be like? What's the garden going to be like now?"

But Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner David Sidwick said further measures have been taken since last summer to offer further protection in the area.

He said: “Last summer, Dorset Police introduced further measures to address the night-time economy. There are 20 to 30 police officers on the streets of Bournemouth every Friday and Saturday night, and I know that is being felt and causing a change.

"This initiative, which includes Dorset Police, Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council, St Mungo homelessness charity and Bournemouth Town Centre BID, runs from the early hours of the morning through to support the night-time economy businesses with 24/7 CCTV, an enhanced police presence and initiatives like the safe bus, where people can go for support."

Dorset Police have supported Mr Sidwick's comments and said its neighbourhood policing team works closely with their town team and other agencies to support the day and night economies in Bournemouth town centre. 

This has also included the operation Nightjar and Sceptre to ensure quick response. 

A spokesperson for Dorset Police said: "We run Op Nightjar every weekend where we have a number of officers on foot across Bournemouth town centre during the night-time period to ensure that we can respond to incidents quickly and robustly.

"As part of Op Sceptre, our response vehicles are also equipped with knife wands and arches fully-funded by our police crime commissioner. Our efforts and outcomes are regularly shared to members of the public via our social media channels.

"Officers from the neighbourhood policing team and across the force will continue to work with partners and ensure there is a visible policing presence in the area."