A CAMPAIGN has been launched highlighting the damaging effect of abuse directed at railway staff.

South Western Railway (SWR) has released the campaign to highlight the abuse its staff faces, from physical assaults to verbal attacks, including swearing and insults.

It aims to reduce the level of verbal abuse that colleagues suffer, by inviting customers to consider the lasting impact that words, often used in momentary anger, can have.

The campaign is primarily directed at customers who wouldn’t normally be aggressive but who might lose their temper during disruption or other issues, and take it out on staff.

Printed and digital posters show examples of abusive language on everyday items: a doormat, shower gel, a kettle and a tin of soup, showing how abuse continues to play on the minds of staff, even while at home.

It encourages customers to be kind.

Grant Robey, senior network crime and security manager for South Western Railway, said: “We hope this campaign will bring the human impact of thoughtless abuse to the front of our customers’ minds and remind them to be kind to our colleagues, even when things go wrong on their journeys.

“We know that most customers wouldn’t purposefully abuse our colleagues; a lot of this behaviour arises when customers lose their temper and make heat of the moment comments.

“Our colleagues come to work to keep everyone safe and they should not expect to face this behaviour. People wouldn't behave like this in their own workplace, so it isn’t acceptable in ours.”