TWO drum teachers have beaten their local council in a row over whether they could carry on at their studio.

The owners of Percussion Works in Christchurch, Simon Mellish and his fellow tutor Kristian Dluzewskli, teach nearly 400 students at the studio and on daily visits to local schools.

But Christchurch Borough Councillors refused to give the studio on the Groveley Business Park at Purewell planning permission in January.

After hearing compl-aints from residents, councillors decided the studio would be detrimental to elderly residents living in nearby Purewell Close - even though environmental health officers had no objections.

But after totally soundproofing the building, placing curfews on lessons, and having a private sound assessment done, Mr Mellish decided to appeal.

He said: "I took all the necessary steps to soundproof the building so as not to disturb people living nearby.

"I'm also really strict about having all the doors shut when a lesson is happening.

"I want to be a good neighbour."

Planning inspector Richard Perrins, convinced by strong support for the well-respected pair, granted planning permission for the studio, subject to conditions.

Mr Mellish said: "During the appeal there was a site visit to a house of one of the complainants.

"Kristian and I were in the studio hammering the drums as hard as we could and they were unable to hear anything from inside.

"We're so pleased with the result and really grateful to everyone who supported and encouraged us.

Now we have been proven not to make any noise we can get on with our work."