FREE energy support and advice is available at a social supermarket every Monday.

Energy advisors from Citizens Advice will be at Poole Waste Not Want Not each week to give advice to families and individuals.

The advisors will be at the shop in the High Street between 10.30am and 12.30pm every Monday, with sessions starting on May 13.

The charity provides discounted food to support low income families with the opportunity to improve personal skills, knowledge and socialise, as well as providing advice such as this with Citizens Advice.

It grew to meet soaring demand last year, offering members items on offer at supermarkets at between 50 and 75 per cent of usual prices.

Ros Dignan, project manager, Citizens Advice Dorset energy unit, said: “There’s a lot of uncertainty and worry for people at the moment about their energy bills. Our team can answer energy questions, give energy saving tips and explain how to access other support.”

“Our Energy Advisers are very knowledgeable about the current situation and we encourage people to come along and have a chat with us to see how we can help.

“We are really pleased to be able to partner with Waste Not Want Not to offer this support on a weekly basis so it’s accessible for families and local residents.”

Erika Sloper, charity project manager, Poole Waste Not Want Not, said: “We are excited to be able to provide this additional free service to our members.

“As households face increased challenges in affording daily essentials, including the rise in energy, we’re proud to expand our support beyond food.

“This partnership emphasises our commitment to addressing the needs of our members and providing holistic support to those facing financial hardship.

“We are thrilled to partner with the Citizens Advice Energy Advisers. Their wealth of knowledge will provide invaluable support to our members.”

For more information on the charity, visit the Poole Waste Not Want Not website.

Citizens Advice Dorset and BCP Energy Unit can be contacted via email on or call the Energy Line on 01929 775500.