A COUNTRY park could have a new outdoor sauna ‘nestled among the trees’ under new plans.

Dorset Saunas has applied for permission to install a mobile sauna with a built-in changing area and shower at Upton Country Park.

The sauna would be located to the north of the site, and would ‘encourage community wellbeing, even in the winter months’, a planning statement said.

“We feel that Upton Country Park is the perfect location for one of our saunas,” the statement said.

“With the parks wonderful reputation for bringing people together and providing the community with a place to enjoy nature.

“We're confident that the addition of the sauna would be popular and increase footfall, especially throughout the winter months.”

The business said it has an ‘experienced team’ that will manage the sauna, and that it has surveyed the proposed area for the sauna to confirm that it can be brought in without damaging tree or disrupting wildlife.

“The sauna is a wonderful feature to add to the end of a jog or yoga class, or perfect for a birthday gathering or social get-together,” the planning statement said.

An hour in the sauna would cost £12 per person, with it costing £65 total to hire the sauna for private use for an hour for up to eight people.

The applicant included profit projections for the sauna based on numbers from its Forest Sauna in Wareham.

It said that the company believes that the sauna at the country park would ‘guarantee lots of bookings’.

It is estimated that the sauna would make a total profit of around £7,605 in its first ‘trial’ year, with a 15 per cent share given to BCP Council, which operates the country park.

A supporting statement submitted with the plans concluded: “The sauna provides a natural getaway for members of the public, with so many health benefits.”

A neighbour consultation on the plans will close on June 6.

There is no date set at this stage for a decision on the plans.