HOTELIERS, shops and restaurants have been gearing up to welcome at least 500,000 visitors into Bournemouth during the four-day air festival (August 28 to 31).

Half the anticipated half-a-million plus visitors will be local residents and the influx is expected to generate around £17 million in revenue for the town.

The More Bus Bournemouth Air Festival, which starts on Thursday, is also expected to help persuade an additional 15,000 people to choose Bournemouth for a holiday, rather than jetting abroad.

To ensure the town centre takes full advantage of the extra visitors, shops and restaurants have been urged to get into the air festival spirit. Most major town centre retailers have agreed to open until 8pm on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and several shops have gone even further, giving their window displays an air festival theme for a Daily Echo-backed competition.

Walkabout, The Chippy, Beales and the Upper Deck Restaurant at the Grange Hotel are also creating an air festival theme with special menus and decoration.

Alison Gandolfi, chairman of the Bournemouth Area Hospitality Association, said: "The air festival offers an exciting time for us all. We hope this becomes an annual event we can plan for that establishes Bournemouth as not only the leading UK resort but puts us as leader on the air festival map."

The air festival takes place between Bournemouth and Boscombe piers and will feature up to 15 hours of flying displays. The Lower Gardens will also be a hive of activity, particularly in the evening when it will be the stage for a stunning hot air balloon glow, live music and street entertainment.

With so many people expected, festival organisers are urging people to consider leaving their cars at home and use an alternative form of transport.

A prize for your best airshow photograph

OUR Daily Echo photographers and video teams will be capturing all the excitement of the More Bus Air Festival this week... but one reader can also cash in on the event.

We're offering a £100 prize for the best photograph taken during the four-day event by an amateur and it's simple to enter.

Just email your photo before 5pm on Monday, September 1, and our judges will spend the following day sifting through the entries.

On Wednesday, September 3, we will publish the six photographs chosen by the judging panel at the Echo as well as on our website and give readers the chance to vote for their favourite.

Email your picture (Jpeg format at 200dpi and approximately 20cm in size, no more than 500kb) to:

or send them by post to: Air Festival Photo Competition, Daily Echo, Richmond Hill, Bournemouth BH2 6HH.

Remember to include your name, address and contact details.

To buy Daily Echo pictures featured in the paper and on our website go online visit the left-hand photographs link.

Please note, only Daily Echo pictures are available for purchase.