ALLOTMENT projects in Christchurch have cost the town council more than £10,600.

The works at three allotment sites in Douglas Avenue, Rutland Road and Southey Road are now compete.

Christchurch Town Council’s resources committee agreed to spend a total budget of £10,000 for all three sites.

This was to ‘bring them up to suitable standard’, and included installing new fencing, trimming hedges and removing overhanging branches.

Now complete, Christchurch Town Council has confirmed a total of £10,659.90 was spent on the allotments.

It said the overspend was a result of additional materials and works required due to a ‘boundary dispute’ at Douglas Avenue Allotments.

This meant the contractor was required to make ‘multiple visits’ to the site to adjust the boundary line, remove and re-position of posts, panels and other materials, and work extra hours.