GOODBYES have been said to a town councillor who “deserves recognition for all the years he has given to this community”.

West Moors Town Council has wished Cllr Alex Clarke farewell after he chose not to stand for councillor this year.

At their annual meeting on May 16, members presented former Cllr Alex Clarke with a card, gift and their sincere thanks, for his time and work at the council.

Since joining in 1991, Alex has contributed a vast amount, serving on various committees such as the Playing Fields and Cemeteries Committee, Finance and Highways.

He became Chairman of Council in 2008, but decided to step back in 2009 to focus on his East Dorset District Councillor role (EDDC).

Alex said he “always enjoyed” his council work, using his knowledge of West Moors and his involvement with the local community to inform his contributions.

He described it had been both interesting and fulfilling to be a member of his local council, working with fellow councillors who wish the best for West Moors.

West Moors Town Council described Alex as a "very dedicated long serving councillor" who "deserves recognition for all the years he has given to this community".