AN INDEPENDENT councillor and BCP Council cabinet member will stand in the general election.

Kieron Wilson, 29, has announced he is standing in Bournemouth East against incumbent Tobias Ellwood.

Councillor Wilson is currently portfolio holder for housing and regulatory services on BCP Council and is the council’s youngest independent councillor.

He has previously won three local elections in Bournemouth, winning the most votes of any Bournemouth candidate in 2019.

He said: “Parliament and our democracy needs more independent-minded MPs who do not have to blindly follow national party policies.”

He added: ‘It is a privilege to be standing in the constituency where I have lived my whole life.

“I believe Bournemouth and indeed the country need strong independent voices in Parliament to challenge any future government and to represent all constituents properly and independently.

“Housing is obviously a big area for me. We are seeing too many people struggling with unaffordable rents and poor conditions, but I also want to see changes across the board.

“Better access to social care and healthcare including dentistry, an end to anti-social behaviour and increase in youth services, to name but a few of my priorities.

“For the past 15 years we have seen a huge drop in the standard of living and quality of life. Britain is broken in so many ways. This has to change.”