YOUR item (24 May) covering the surprise general election and the reactions of local “political figures” across BCP was very poor.

Had the election period been properly in progress, the lack of balanced coverage would have been a very serious business.

BCP is represented by five MPs and excepting Lib Dem Annette Brooke in Mid Dorset 2001-15, general elections have always returned Conservative MPs.

Of the eight local “political figures” quoted by the Echo, four were incumbent Tory MPs.

Yet the rational for featuring the other four is entirely flawed, incredibly with one of them seemingly selected as a candidate only AFTER the surprise General Election announcement. And two of the others are only questionably 'local'.

The Echo's choice of local “political figures” to quote only makes a modicum of sense with the view that the troubles faced today by the Conservatives will automatically provide a local opportunity for the Labour Party to replace them as our local MPs.

Such a view, that the country is ruled by either Conservative or Labour, is entirely outdated.

These two dinosaurs organisations have happily fought each other for decades while national problems accumulate. Pay-day loan Britain. Zero-hour contract Britain. Food-bank Britain.

It took a lot longer than 14 years to achieve today's level of Broken Britain.

Dr Martin Rodger

Bloxworth Road,
