A SEAHORSE statue 2.2 metres tall has been installed at a National Trust-owned Dorset beauty spot to raise awareness of specific marine wildlife.

The sculpture, called Neptune, was created by artist Eilidh Middleton and was created to highlight the importance of seagrass at Studland Bay and its loss around coasts across the UK.

Studland’s seagrass is protected within a Marine Conservation Zone and the Studland Bay Marine Partnership (SBMP) was created to bring together conservation and boating organisations, academics, and community groups to find a solution that meets the needs of the public and recreational boaters whilst protecting and restoring the sensitive seagrass habitat.  

READ MORE: 'Studland Bay introduces new initiative to save seagrass'

The sheltered conditions of Studland Bay allow the seagrass to thrive which means it is a popular anchorage for boat users.

Anchors and traditional moorings damage the root structure of seagrass, leading to anchor scars and fragmentation of the habitat which can take years to recover. 

Sarah Coggins, coastal change engagement officer at the National Trust said: “Seagrass has superpowers.  It creates biodiverse hotspots that not only support our seas but the climate too. 

“We’re grateful to Eilidh Middleton for installing such a stunning seahorse sculpture to help create awareness of the need to protect our marine environment here at Studland Bay.”

Bournemouth Echo:

Neptune is made entirely from the material of Elidh’s previous work, including a 200-meter-long Sand Lizard installed on the mound of Corfe Castle.

Neptune stands tall and proud at Middle Beach, Studland, and looks over towards the Bay, Dorset’s largest seagrass meadow, and the Voluntary No Anchor Zone until the end of summer.  

To boost the popularity of the new installation, the National Trust team at Studland Bay has also created a fun family quiz trail. 

Starting at Knoll Beach, families are taken along a route of fun and educational posts relating to seahorses to end at the sculpture above Middle Beach.