A CLOSE friend of the woman who was fatally stabbed in Bournemouth is raising funeral funds to 'give her the send-off she deserves.'

As reported, Amie, 34 and from Poole, died at Durley Chine beach shortly after midnight on Saturday, May 25.

Her friend Abbie Sinclair has set up a GoFundMe to raise £5,000 to cover the cost of Amie's funeral.

Abbie said: "Amie was a healthy 34-year-old personal trainer, daughter, wife and mother who was loved beyond words.

"She was enjoying a warm spring evening at the beach. Unfathomably, this resulted in the loss of her life."

Abbie and Aimee were close friends who met through Amie's  wife.

She said: "Amie was a wonderful human being, truly inspirational and the most beautiful person inside and out.

"Words cannot describe the devastation felt by her loved ones, who now have no option but to face life without her."

"Amie was 'devoted to her family'. She had a 12-year-old daughter with her wife Sian, who was 'the most important thing in her life.'

"She would have done everything to protect and support them in any way she could."

Abbie added: "Lots of people have been reaching out wanting to do something to help. Anybody who knew Amie knows the energy, light and life she brought into a space.

"She was so much fun to be around; you could not help but smile at her presence; she didn't have an enemy in the world.

"With such a focus on life, no financial arrangements had yet been made for her funeral."

With the permission of Amie's family, Abbie has set up a GoFundMe to help alleviate the financial pressures.

Adding: "I know times are hard, but please help if you can so the financial pressure associated with the funeral is not something the family have to worry about as they come to terms with this unimaginable loss, which is having such a devastating impact on every life that Amie touched.

"If there are any remaining funds after the cost of the funeral, these will go solely towards any therapy and/or support Amie's daughter may require as she comes to terms with the loss of her mum.

"Thank you in advance for any help, your kindness means so much to us."

The GoFundMe can be found at https://www.gofundme.com/f/amie-gray-who-was-sadly-taken-away-from-us-far-to-soon.