BOURNEMOUTH has a new mayor as a Labour councillor for Boscombe East and Pokesdown has been named in the role.

Cllr George Farquhar has assumed the role after a year as deputy mayor, and was made mayor at a ceremony on Friday, May 24.

He replaces Cllr Anne Filer as mayor, with Cllr Filer becoming deputy mayor. 

“I'm extremely honoured to be elected to the role of first citizen of Bournemouth in the Office of the Mayor,” Cllr Farquhar said.

“I'm in equal parts proud and humbled by the opportunity to serve the people of Bournemouth.

“I relish the role and look forward to using the platform of the Mayor to promote not only the town but the great people that make it such a fantastic place to live.”

The councillor moved to Bournemouth in 2011 as "when you speak to or smile at a person in Bournemouth, they speak or smile back", he said.

He added he never dreamt that 13 years later he would be elected to uphold the ‘the historic ceremony, traditions and dignity of the Office of the Mayor of Bournemouth.’

“I will seek out the volunteers, charities, community organisations and groups that add so much to our communities and lives,” Cllr Farquhar said.

“I'll highlight and amplify their efforts, dedication and service for recognition.

“I intend to throw myself fully into the role and every engagement, be they great or small, will have equal value to me, and I hope to add value to those who call upon the office of the Mayor for recognition.”