A MOTORIST group has said it will ‘forever challenge’ the council after its controversial decision to keep some entrances to Poole Park closed to traffic.

Following a unanimous vote at BCP Council’s cabinet meeting on May 22, it was decided the park gates at Whitecliff Road and Twemlow Avenue would remain closed to vehicles.

The decision was made despite 63 percent of respondents of BCP Council’s consultation, calling for the gates to reopen.

Bournemouth Echo: Bob Lister

Bob Lister, a lead campaigner of the Leave Poole Park Alone group, said he was “totally disgusted” with the outcome of the cabinet meeting.

BCP Council’s overview and scrutiny meeting previously discussed sending the matter to full council however this was voted against.

“A cabinet of six people voting said no, they’re going to make a decision and permanently close it without going to full council,” said Bob.

“Which we don’t believe was done correctly so we’re going to challenge that.”

Bob added it was “absolutely awful” and the campaigning group will be challenging the council at “every turn”.

He said the Poole Park consultation was reportedly the largest number of responses received and disagreed with the council’s decision to vote against the majority.

“Nobody in the future will bother doing a consultation because what is the point.”

Members of the public similarly shared their outrage at the cabinet meeting on May 22.

Sharon Hunt said her late father-in-law enjoyed the park in his frail final stages of his life.

"His last request was to be driven through the park."

She added: "Denying people this right is unfair and bordering on cruelty."

However, another resident said they are a wheelchair user and argued that the point of a park is to admire not to drive-through.

“It is not a McDonald’s,” they said.

Cllr Andy Hadley, BCP Council portfolio holder for climate response, environment and energy said: “Cabinet have agreed to make the closure of the Whitecliff entrance in Poole Park permanent.

“The current measures there to prevent motor vehicles accessing the park at this location will stay in place and our team will now look at improvements to better support disabled drivers parking and turning near this gate.

“We are committed to making our area a place where people, nature, coast and towns come together in sustainable, safe and healthy communities. 

“This closure is an improvement of a key green space - supporting residents from multiple wards, including some in more deprived areas, to access one of the most beautiful parts in the BCP area. 

“These measures will make a positive contribution to the health and wellbeing of the local population and enable more people to enjoy relaxing, walking, wheeling, running or cycling in Poole Park.”