A BAKERY in Poole claiming to sell the cheapest cups of tea in the country is the Daily Echo’s Trader of the Week.

The Village Bakery in Canford Cliffs has been brewing up a storm for almost 30 years, providing loyal customers with Yorkshire tea for just 50p.

Laraine Cousins, 74, took over the former Avon Vale Bakery in 1995 after working for the previous owner as a customer relations manager.

Bournemouth Echo:

She worked across the owner’s multiple bakeries in Bournemouth, Weymouth and Southampton before deciding to take over the Poole branch when he retired.

“When Avon Vale ceased to trade and the owner died, I was thinking of a new name and everybody calls it the village so I decided to call it The Village Bakery,” said Laraine.

Bournemouth Echo:

Ever since Laraine has been selling her iconic 50p cups of tea and 60p coffees, adding that she will never change her prices.

She said: “I decided that's what I’m going to do and people think I'm mad.”

She added that most of her customers are traders and builders who enjoy her reasonably priced takeaway breakfasts and lunches.

Bournemouth Echo:

The Village Bakery reportedly used to be the only local eatery serving food and now offers sandwiches, hot breakfasts, fresh bread as well as various cakes.

Laraine said she enjoys the relationship she has built with her customers, including the traders who return at 7am, 10am and noon for their food and drinks.

“I think we also have the best eggs,” said Laraine.

“People have been coming for our eggs for 29 years, which we get from Wimborne.”

She added that the eggs are free range and extra-large, which she keeps cheap for her customers who “come from all over” for them.

Despite working at the bakery for 29 years, Laraine is not ready to hand over the reigns yet.

She said: “My husband wants me to retire, but I said I'll know when I'm ready and I'm not ready yet.”

The Village Bakery, in Haven Road in Poole, is open Monday to Friday, 7am to 3pm.