RINGWOOD Town Council has announced it will hold a referendum on the same date as the General Election

A referendum for Ringwood neighbourhood plan will be held on July 4, the same day as the General Election. 

The question the public is asked to vote on is: "Do you want New Forest District Council and New Forest National Park Authority to use the neighbourhood plan for Ringwood to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

A spokesperson for Ringwood Town Council said: "The Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan is more than just a document; it will set the standards for future development in the town.

"The plan prioritises smaller, affordable houses, ensuring that Ringwood remains accessible to all residents. By voting “yes,” you’re supporting a community where everyone can find a place to call home.

"The plan includes energy efficiency standards, promoting environmentally friendly practices and reducing our carbon footprint."

The council continued to state that the plan includes "preserving the character" of Ringwood ensuring new developments maintain the town's "distinct identity".

It added that voting yes would also mean more resources for Ringwood-specific initiatives.

The spokesperson said: "A “yes” vote means more resources for Ringwood-specific initiatives. If successful, the town council’s share of the community infrastructure levy will increase from 15% to 25%, providing additional funds for vital projects.

"Your voice matters. By participating in the referendum, you’re shaping the future of Ringwood. Whether you’re a long-time resident or a newcomer, your vote counts.

"Let’s make history together! Vote on 4th July and be part of Ringwood’s bright future."

The referendum was made based on community views on planning issues shared in 2021 and 2022. 

Through this, it was gathered residents loved the history, semi-rural and market town feel of the area but wanted a more vibrant town centre, preservation of green space, more energy efficient and affordable homes and 2-3 bed family homes.

To view the full plan and supporting documents and details on eligibility to vote, visit Ringwood Council's website. 

For those who prefer copies, head to Ringwood Gateway or Ringwood Libary.