DETAILED proposals for the future of the former Townsend School site will be discussed at a meeting next week.

Bournemouth's Cabinet members will be asked to endorse work going on behind the scenes to turn the building into a multi-purpose community facility.

Plans for the site to house a kitchen facility providing hot meals for other schools in the borough have already been revealed, as have proposals for better early years provision for the area.

Now the Cabinet is being asked to approve leasing a small area of the building to a local educational charity and to endorse plans to provide other facilities.

Those being considered include use of tennis courts by Townsend Youth Centre, expansion of community sports use of the playing fields, development of changing facilities.

The use of the land for play facilities is also on the list.

A report to Cabinet members, to be considered at a meeting on Wednesday, urges them to endorse the overall approach to the future use of the site with a view to seeing more detailed business proposals in the future.

Townsend Primary and Nursery Schools were closed at the end of the summer term despite a spirited campaign by supporters to keep them open.

Pupils will start next week at a number of other primary schools, including Queens Park, Kings Park and Malmesbury Park.