ONE in seven workers in the South West fear that they won't be employed by their current employer in 12 months time if the economic down turn continues.

A new YouGov poll commissioned by the TUC found that 304,000 workers in the South West (out of a total working population of 2.1 million) are not confident that they will be in the same job in a year's time.

Less than half the workforce (45 per cent) in the South West is very confident of being in the same job in a year. Across Britain more than 3.3 million workers (13 per cent of the British workforce) say they may not have their current job in a year's time.

Workers in Wales are the least confident of keeping their jobs. 20 per cent of workers in Wales say they are "not very confident" or "not at all confident" when asked how confident are you "that you can keep working for your current employer over the next 12 months if you want to." Scottish workers are next with 17 per cent not confident of keeping their jobs.

Workers in the East of England are the most optimistic. Only 7 per cent are not confident of being in their job in a year's time.

Across Britain workers in medium sized businesses are the least confident with 18 per cent of staff in those with 50 to 249 workers saying they are not confident of being in their jobs in a year, compared to 12 per cent in big workplaces (more than 1000 staff).

Those in low paid jobs are less secure than those in better paid jobs. The least confident earn between £10,000 and £15,000 and the most confident earn more than £50,000.

Union members are more optimistic than non-members, with 48 per cent of trade unionists very confident that they would be in their job in a year's time, compared to 40 per of workers not in a union.

TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said: "These poll findings show just how many people are getting worried about losing their job in the current economic slowdown in the South West. Of course this does not mean that unemployment will rise by anything like 304, but it does show just how jittery people have become about the economy and their own job.

"The economy will inevitably slow this year and next, given the credit crunch and the impact of higher oil, food and commodity prices. But there is a real danger that if everyone thinks that the downturn will be deeper than it needs to be it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

"These findings add to the growing pressure on the government and economic policy makers to put growth first by doing all they can to restore confidence and boost investment."