The LABOUR party candidate for Mid Dorset and North Poole said she would be an 'MP for everybody' if elected in her constituency.

Candice Johnson-Cole is campaigning to be MP for Mid Dorset and North Poole in the upcoming election.

With a history of events consultancy and organising political events, Candice plans to use her experience in her political endeavours.

In the late 1990s, Candice worked on 'rebuilding the Labour Party', was the exhibition manager for Labour's conferences, and managed the on-the-road teams for the general election in 1997.

She was also a community worker in Community Development in Poole, Bournemouth, and Doncaster.

She said: "I hope to show my experience, passion and my commitment.

"I am an organiser at heart. I like to make things as efficient as possible so everyone can get the most out of it.

"I plan to do politics differently than it's been done in the past because I've seen the best way to get people engaged.

"The way the system is set up at the moment is not giving everybody the opportunity to be involved in the process."

Speaking on her constituency, she said: "For me, the area is a tale of two cities. There are pockets of deprivation here, and I have met a real mix of people, and everyone has different concerns."

From knocking on doors, Candice has commented on several issues that would be high on her agenda if elected MP.

Candice said the rise in energy costs 'has to and will be tackled under Labour', saying it is an issue that has come up repeatedly when speaking to residents.

Other issues that have arisen from canvassing in Mid Dorset and North Poole are problems with doctors' surgeries, dentists, and social care, as well as addressing antisocial behaviour in the area.

"There used to be so many more youth clubs; they used to be such a big part of young people's lives. They add a whole level of safeguarding that has been totally decimated."

Candice added: "We need to implement a collaborative approach, and I am not afraid to do that.

"If I am elected MP for Mid Dorset and North Poole, I will be the MP for everybody who lives here, regardless of where they put their cross on July 4."