ISRAELI signs that were wrongfully taken down by persons unknown remain missing nearly two months later. 

Netanya signs on the border of Bournemouth in Ringwood Road near Bournemouth tip, Mountbatten Roundabout, Magna Road and New Road mysteriously disappeared last April. 

It remains unclear exactly who removed the signs twinning the two towns, but BCP Council has confirmed one of the signs – in New Road – has been found and reinstalled. 

Providing an update to the Echo, a spokeswoman for the authority added: “Replacement signage, provided by a specialist company, has been ordered for the remainder of the locations. 

“We have requested that they prioritise this order, and the new signs will be installed as soon as we received them.” 

Read more: Signs for Bournemouth's twin city in Israel removed

Despite the signs being removed and protesters earlier this week calling for Bournemouth to cut ties, the town remains twinned with the Israeli coastal town. 

As reported, former Bournemouth mayor Anne Filer said she was “very upset and disappointed” to hear the signs had been taken down. 

Dorset Police has been asked for an update into its investigation.