BOURNEMOUTH residents have become infuriated by parents parking on the streets surrounding nearby schools and blocking roads. 

Residents of Pavan Gardens have spoken up after being fed up with parents blocking roads and drives when waiting for children to leave Bourne Academy and Kingsleigh Primary School.

Pavan Garden's resident, Steve Randall, complained the situation used to be manageable however after the school expanded, it has since come out of control with drivers 'inconsiderate' those who live nearby. 

He said: "There's been physical and verbal abuse towards residents from the parents who are more than a little bit inconsiderate. You have to defend your drivers otherwise they park on them or use them to run around. 

"There's been a couple of accidents as in people trying to rush into spaces and skimming cars. There was a parent's car parked outside my house and another car pulled in and took a rear bumper."

Although he has noticed a number of incidents in the 18 years he has lived on the road, the most notable one recently happened on Saturday, June 1, when two cars parked and blocked the entrance and exit from the road. 

Holding a weekend football tournament at Kingsleigh Primary School, a Range Rover and a VW van parked on either side of the road with neighbours stuck at home. 

He said: "They had 12 hours on Saturday and again on Sunday and this was their car park. The Range Rover was parked to the left, half on, half off, which is fine but just in front was a transporter on the road. 

"My daughter has an Audi A1 which was small and she couldn't get in and a Royal Mail truck tried to get in and he started going mental and turned away."

Other residents noted they have seen parents allowing children to go to the toilet in neighbours' bushes and also throw rubbish into their gardens. 

This has included drinks cans, coffee cups and even a sat nav.

While the blocking of the road entirely is infrequent, residents expressed the same view that the behaviour is seen to happen daily with no concern for residents.