THE temporary closure of the Twins Sails bridge has been extended. 

It was initially anticipated the Poole lifting bridge would reopen in mid-June after a problem was found back in May. 

But now BCP Council has had no choice but to extend this to July, “due to the extent of remedial work required”. 

According to Hamworthy councillor Peter Cooper, the “lead in times for delivery of bespoke parts and the necessary timescales for consulting stakeholders on the channel closure” are also a factor. 

He said: “We hope to give you a clearer indication of the precise reopening date next week once we have some additional information. 

“Please be assured that we are working to get it operational as soon as possible. 

“The signals on Blandford Road have been adjusted to allow continual flow on the main road.” 

The £37m Twin Sails Bridge has been closed since 4.30pm on Friday, May 17.