CYCLING Rebellion has taken to social media to celebrate the closure of Poole Park's Whitecliff gate saying 'we won'.

The post comes after BCP Council voted to keep the Whitecliff Road and Twemlow Avenue gates closed to vehicles and CR has said it is a 'huge win' in becoming greener. 

A spokesperson for Cycling Rebellion said: "This is a huge win in moving our towns away from cars and prioritising other forms of transport.

"The park will now no longer be a through route for generations to come enabling more people to walk, cycle and wheel in Poole Park.

"Against loud opposition Cycling Rebellion and local campaigners headed to the park to get as many people as possible empowered to fill in the consultation.

"We spoke to dozens of people and were surprised that almost everyone we spoke to was for the gate closure. Consultations have a history of being under filled in and weaponised by a minority with strong opinions.

"The reality is we've mostly enabled the wrong people in our society, and not everyone. We sought to counter balance this by encouraging those in favour to fill it in. This is the work."

The closure of the gate has seen a strong reaction from residents opposed to its closure with many infuriated by the decision to keep the gate closed. 

However, Cycling Rebellion has stated it believes it is the right decision and has blamed misinformation for the reason behind the large opposition. 

The spokesperson said: "A large amount of disinformation was also spread by the campaign against the closure, repeating often that the park was now entirely closed to cars.

"But the fact remains despite a harsh political climate against active travel and people pushing for things not to change, the right decision was still made.

In a world where we need more changes like this in the dozens is a step in the right direction."