A BOURNEMOUTH couple got married under the Red Arrows at just the right moment, capturing a perfect picture on their special day.

Samantha and Joseph Duffy got married at Parley Manor in West Parley surrounded by family and loved ones.

Happy Newlywed Samantha reflected on the magical moment, saying: “Our wedding was absolutely spectacular, Peter did a brilliant job.

“We were really hopeful waiting for them to fly over.

“When they finally arrived, we were blown away, it was high fives all around for the photographer and the videographer.

“We were really pleased we managed to get the shot.”

Photographer Peter Welland captured the magical moment. He said: “My friend Simon was working with me on the day and he messaged me beforehand to say the arrows were flying. We tried to catch them in the morning, but we just missed them sadly.

“We were very grateful the couple agreed to wait for what ‘could’ be a great shot.

“The wedding was great; the bride and groom were relaxed and their guests all got into their groups super quick.

“The weather was perfect not hot not cold just a wonderful day all around and the blue sky came out right when needed for the arrows.”

Speaking about his photography career, Peter added: “I started photography as a hobby, at the time my wife and I had just had our third child and I wanted to capture more of the family life.

“For the longest time, I struggled to get wedding work, the market is very full of incredible talent, and getting noticed is very hard.

“I was about to give up on weddings altogether and just try and be a portrait photographer especially when the pandemic hit.

“However, Parley Manor asked if I'd like to partner with them and it saved my wedding photography career. Now I mostly capture weddings and I couldn't think of a better job.”

The traditional British jet crew soared through the skies from Bournemouth Airport on their way to the Isle of Mann for D-Day commemorations.

The Duffys tied the knot at Parley Manor on June 8.