DELEGATES from a trade union will gather on Bournemouth beach to call for the Conservatives to be voted out of office at the coming General Election.

Members of the GMB Congress, which is being held in Bournemouth this week, will hold an election rally by the pier at 2pm on Wednesday, June 12.

They will gather behind a banner calling for ‘Tories Out’.

The union said it will be highlighting the damage the party has done to the country over the past 14 years, including public service cuts, the cost-of-living crisis, failure on energy policy and restrictions on the rights of trade.

The demonstration will then march to Asda Bournemouth for a separate protest.

Gary Smith, general secretary said: “GMB delegates at our annual Congress in Bournemouth will send an unequivocal message to the Government in advance of the General Election on 4 July that they want the Tories out of government.

“GMB members and reps have been at the sharp end of the damage the Tories have done to the country in the last 14 years. We look forward to the opportunity to vote them out at the ballot box and the opportunity of a new government which prioritises working people and not billionaires.”

The GMB Congress began in Bournemouth on Sunday, June 9 and runs to Thursday, June 13.