CHRISTCHURCH residents have warned about the dangers of parked traffic on their road after the fire service failed to get up it.

Portfield Road residents have become concerned over the level of traffic on their road over the last few years after it has become impossible for two cars to pass each other. 

Made worse during school hours with Christchurch Junior and Infant School on the road, the residents, who wish to remain unnamed, said firefighters have been unable to get up the road in the past. 

One resident said: "There's a house on the road which has had three false fires and the fire engines one time couldn't get past. They put a leaflet on my wife's car for inconsiderate parking along with other cars but its the only way we can park. 

"It's got really bad over the last 15 years and it has caused a lot of arguments as well because they won't reverse to let someone by and everyone drives massive SUVs."

During peak drop-off and pick-up times, it is nearly impossible to walk on the pavements due to cars parked on them and a large flurry of people, however, residents don't blame parents as it's the only way for them to park. 

While conversations were had in the past on making the street one way or placing yellow lines on one side of the road, no action was taken with the situation left to deteriorate. 

Another resident said: "Years ago they said to us they're either going to put double yellows up on one side or make it one way but it just never happened and we wouldn't want it because if you cut parking, locals would struggle. 

"We've got used to the hassle but it's a worry that if firefighters needed to get to a fire then somebody could lose their life because they can't get to them."

Christchurch Fire Station can be found around the corner from Portfield Road and so engines are often seen in the area. 

While school traffic is part of the problem, residents have complained of workers parking on the street all day.