A YOUNG boy is raising money for a hospice charity after the passing of his ‘best friend’.

Ellison Bishop said goodbye to his grandma Lally after a long battle with cancer last June.

Now, the seven-year-old is raising money for the hospice she spent her final stage of life in, Forest Holme Hospice.

(Image: Amy Bishop)

He will be selling £1 lemonade at his own personalised stand in Baiter Park and all proceeds from the stand will go to the hospice.

Ellison’s mum, Amy Bishop said: “Ellison and Lally were best friends,

“She found out she had cancer just after lockdown. We were told at the end of August last year that it was terminal.

“The Forest Holme hospice was absolutely incredible to all the family.

“They've looked after lots of different members of our family over the years”

Amy added: “Ellison started his kind of first fundraising thing in lockdown.

“He was shielding in lockdown because he has asthma in a one-bedroom flat with no garden when he was three, so he decided to use his limited 45 minutes of exercise every day and scooted a mile to raise money for the hospice during lockdown.

Speaking about her son, Amy added: “He's so outgoing and sociable and he's just the cheekiest little thing ever. He's very intelligent and just loves a bit of a project.

(Image: Amy Bishop)

"My dad built him this beautiful lemonade stand out of wood so it is a typical kind of American lemonade stand.

“When Ellison was born, Lally created a bucket list for him, and having a lemonade stand was on the list.

Amy added: “When Ellison was born Lally created a childhood bucket list for him.

“It was all those things that you want to look back on and know that you've done in your life like seeing a Punch and Judy show or building a dam at the beach, learning how to skim stones, or visiting London.

“We tried to do as many as possible with mum and the one that we didn't get around to was to have a lemonade stand.”

Ellison will be proudly standing alongside his stand at Baiter Park this Saturday.