TAKEAWAYS say a proposed new eatery will lead to more fights and violence in the town centre. 

Bournemouth Bake House is a new bakery-style takeaway being proposed next door to Cameo night club in Fir Vale Road, Bournemouth. 

The venue has asked BCP Council for permission to serve late night refreshments, including sandwiches, pies, pasties and hot, non-alcoholic drinks, between 11pm and 5am every day of the week. 

But takeaways along Old Christchurch Road have raised concerns about the proposed new venue and its close proximity to the nightclub. 

Bournemouth Bake House is planned next to Cameo and opposite Jazz Fast FoodBournemouth Bake House is planned next to Cameo and opposite Jazz Fast Food (Image: Daily Echo)

Jazz Fast Food in Fir Vale RoadJazz Fast Food in Fir Vale Road (Image: Daily Echo)

Jazz Fast Food, opposite the proposed venue, said: “I remember 12 years ago there were [...] huge fights in front of and behind the store and the private security forces could not cope and were having a hard time.”  

Marini’s Restaurant said there has been “five to 10 small or big fights” in the past and warned people congregating outside Bournemouth Bake House could see more fights. 

“The opening of another shop is exactly two metres away from the club and I can’t [sic] believe people will gather there. 

“Therefore, I am sure there will be huge fights because I have been making this fast food for 20 years, I have great experience.” 

Doner Kebab, of Old Christchurch Road, has also predicted the same problems outside the nightclub and new bakery. 

Marini's in Old Christchurch RoadMarini's in Old Christchurch Road (Image: Daily Echo)

Doner Kebab in Old Christchurch RoadDoner Kebab in Old Christchurch Road (Image: Daily Echo)

The business said: “Opening [a] new takeaway exactly opposite Cameo will lead to more fights and more problems in the area as people leaving the venue and gathering just outside the nightclub will cause more fights and other issues. 

“One takeaway I think is enough. [Giving a] licence to other takeaways in the area will cause people not to disperse after leaving the club which will generate more noise for nearby residents and make residents awake.” 

BCP Council’s licensing sub-committee will discuss Bournemouth Bake House’s proposals at a meeting on Tuesday, June 18, and a decision will be made afterwards. 

David Ramsay, a licensing consultant, pointed out the applicant has not applied to sell alcoholic drinks and “no fast food as such” but rather bakery items “such as what’s in Greggs”. 

He added most food for sale will be pre-packed and therefore will reduce the need for customers to “loiter outside”, reducing the risk of public nuisance”. 

Mr Ramsay added: “In relation to the majority of the objections from neighbouring fast food outlets it is concerning that the application is referred to as ‘another kebab shop’ which leads me to wonder if those making representation have read and examined the application. 

“It is our belief that the addition of the Bournemouth Bake House will provide a safe and popular addition to the night-time economy.”